Lattimore Success Stories




We’ve told you how to choose a great PThow PT improves your lifehow to access care and now let us tell you what happens when you come experience the Lattimore way for yourself!

People attend physical therapy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most important is to help themselves return to something that they enjoy doing such as a sport or recreational activity, hobby such as gardening, or even something as simple as to help them roll over in bed without pain. In short, experiencing physical therapy The Lattimore Way allows you to return to what you love and to write the next chapter of your story.

Mark M. grew up with a passion for baseball and continued that into adulthood. After he began developing elbow and shoulder pain while he continued to pitch into his 40’s he sought the opinion of an orthopedic surgeon. He was told to have surgery, stop playing baseball and most certainly never pitch again. “You can try physical therapy but your arm is beyond that and it won’t help” he was told. Anyone who has been told they can’t do something understands how much motivation this can be. Mark decided to give it a go anyways and consult with Tim Anne at Lattimore of North Greece. Together they developed a stretching and strengthening plan for Mark. After several months of strengthening exercises for his rotator cuff and arm, thoracic spine mobility work, and stabilization exercises to his shoulder Mark is now pitching every week for his men’s league baseball team. Here’s the best part — no surgery and pain-free!



Mark M. throwing for his team.

“I wouldn’t be throwing again without the help of Lattimore PT at North Greece” –Mark M.

In addition to returning to sport or recreational activities an equally important task is assisting those in chronic pain return to pain-free household chores and activities of daily living. One such example of this is Marjory S. who was treated by Jeremy Sajdak at Lattimore of Webster. Marjory was referred to PT for low back pain stemming from a compression fracture. To complicate things, she also had chronic pain and severe arthritis in her knees that made most activities very painful. Marjory admits “I was skeptical if PT could help me with my injuries, but I trusted my therapist and can’t believe how good I feel now compared to when I started.” She credits the supportive and family-like atmosphere to helping her get back to getting through her day without pain. Marjory is doing so well now she is even getting around without the use of any cane or other type of assistive device!




“The atmosphere is so supportive I could consider the team here as my best friends!” — Marjory S. Lattimore PT of Webster patient

These stories demonstrate how the Lattimore Way can make a real and meaningful impact on your life. From returning you to a sport or activity you love to just helping you get through your day without pain, don’t settle or believe “this is just how things are.” We are always here to help you feel better and get you back on the road to recovery. Find the Lattimore location nearest you and begin writing the next chapter of your story today!



The Lattimore Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation Network was founded by Physical Therapists John and Cindy Shuman in 1992. Since then Lattimore has grown to 20+ locations in 4 different counties.

What’s unique about Lattimore is our patient experience. We tailor your 1:1 treatment around your individual needs, conditions and goals. With us, you’re more than just a number. You’re a member of our local community and we’re invested in your success. Call 1–888-PT ROCHS to experience The Lattimore Way!

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