6 benefits of starting pelvic floor physical therapy near you

The pelvic floor is a collection of muscles situated around the pelvis. These muscles play an important role in maintaining several bodily functions. This is why pelvic floor rehab is essential if you start to experience issues. The pelvic floor is a complex region; the muscles in your pelvic floor are deeply interconnected. When dysfunction occurs, it can disrupt normal functioning in the whole area. To help prevent and manage pelvic floor dysfunction, physical therapy can be an invaluable treatment option.

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a broad term referring to many different issues that can occur in the area. One study refers to it as “a broad constellation of symptoms and anatomic changes.” All of these symptoms and changes are connected to abnormal functioning in the pelvic floor muscles. In some cases, muscle weakness is the cause. A weak pelvic floor can make it harder to engage and control your pelvic muscles, leading to issues like constipation and incontinence. Other common pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms include pain, bladder control issues and a feeling of intense pressure around the muscles. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you address these symptoms by targeting their root causes. By focusing directly on improving your muscle functionality, PT can lead you to long-term relief and recovery.

Benefits of pelvic floor physical therap

  • Pain reduction — Pain is among the most common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction. To address this symptom, physical therapy incorporates a wide range of pain relief techniques. These include targeted exercises such as pelvic stretches. Hands-on techniques collectively called manual therapy can also play a role. Interventions focused on rapid pain relief are a major benefit of pelvic floor physical therapy. Unlike some pain relief methods such as medication, PT techniques can help alleviate pain while getting you closer to long-term recovery.
  • Improved bladder control — Pelvic floor issues can lead to various bladder issues. Some people experience urinary incontinence while others have trouble urinating at all. With targeted strengthening exercises, physical therapy can help you build your pelvic floor muscles and refine your bladder control. Pelvic floor exercises focus on reducing leakage and promoting better function.
  • Reduced constipation — A major benefit of PT for pelvic floor issues is reducing constipation. Your physical therapist can guide you through techniques to relax and coordinate your pelvic floor muscles. These techniques may aid in bowel function, helping you return to regular bowel movements.
  • Core stabilization — Issues in the pelvic floor can affect your core muscles as well. To keep your core stable, it is important to maintain strength in the pelvic floor. One benefit of PT is treatment designed to engage and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Building strength in these muscles contributes to core stability, helping to improve your overall health.
  • Pelvic organ support — There are a lot of important organs situated around your pelvic floor. Your bladder, rectum and a large part of your colon all rely on proper pelvic floor function. In women, the area also holds the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. In men, the pelvic floor houses the prostate and urinary sphincter. To ensure that these organs all get the support they need, physical therapy focuses on enhancing the performance of all the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Preventive strategies — Want to prevent more pelvic issues in the future? A major benefit of PT is the incorporation of preventive strategies. Physical therapy does not just focus on your present condition. With an approach that considers your long-term health, your physical therapist will help educate you on the best preventive practices. From lifestyle changes to regular exercises, physical therapy can help you minimize the risk of future pelvic dysfunction.

Female-focused pelvic floor physical therapy

Pelvic floor PT is different for everyone. For women, there can be a whole set of unique challenges to face. An experienced physical therapist will be equipped to address the particular needs and concerns of a woman dealing with pelvic floor issues. Whether you are seeking pelvic floor rehab for postpartum recovery or just want to improve your pelvic wellness, physical therapy can help.

With techniques centered on women’s health, your physical therapist can provide treatment that homes in on your individual needs and condition. When it comes to strengthening the pelvic floor, one common PT treatment is biofeedback. Biofeedback is a treatment method that can help retrain your muscles to function properly. A biofeedback machine will record your physical activities and show the results, giving you a clear metric to improve on. Biofeedback is often used in conjunction with active exercises to deliver optimal results.

Male-focused pelvic floor physical therapy

Pelvic floor issues can affect men as well as women, though pelvic floor dysfunction can be harder to identify in men. In many cases it is misdiagnosed, leading to ineffective treatments and visits to the wrong specialists. If you think you might have pelvic floor dysfunction, look out for some of the telltale signs and symptoms of the condition. One common indicator is persistent pain. You may feel pain from your groin up into your hips, lower back and abdomen. Around the pelvic area, this pain is sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation. Other common symptoms include difficulty urinating and painful bowel movements.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, seeking treatment is essential. Early intervention can have a huge impact on your overall quality of life and the length of your recovery journey. A physical therapist can help you address your issues and provide education to help prevent dysfunction in the future. Working with a certified pelvic floor therapist can empower you to take an active role on your way to wellness.

What to look for in a certified pelvic floor physical therapist

A certified pelvic floor physical therapist specializes in pelvic floor issues. These specialized physical therapists tend to have plenty of experience and knowledge when it comes to addressing pelvic floor dysfunction. When you are looking for someone to treat your pelvic floor issues, here are some things to look for:

  • Extensive experience — If you have a niche condition, it is important to find a provider who will understand how to address it. For the best results, look for a therapist with years of experience in the field. A seasoned pelvic floor therapist will have come across a wide range of conditions and have the know-how to effectively treat them.
  • Open communication — Communication is a key part of the therapy process. For physical therapy to work, you need to have a transparent and trusting relationship with your care team. A good physical therapist will communicate well and listen to your concerns. Communication is important for facilitating effective treatment as well as improving your knowledge. Communicating openly, your therapist can help you stay informed on your condition and current treatment plan.
  • Collaborative treatment — Physical therapy is not a one-sided process. It takes the efforts of the patient working in collaboration with their care team to reach a great outcome. Great physical therapists tend to be team players who understand the importance of working with their patients to develop an ideal treatment plan.

Lattimore Physical Therapy offers top-notch pelvic floor PT

Ready to take the next step in improving your pelvic health? Lattimore Physical Therapy is here to help you elevate your wellness. You can find excellent pelvic floor physical therapy services at our South Greece office in Rochester, New York. Our team is committed to helping each patient receive the tailored treatment and guidance they need to make a complete recovery.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

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